Thursday, October 20, 2011

He's Heating up, He's on fire!

Landon has done fantastic over about the last 18 hours. He has slept very well, continued to wake up on his own to feed (not quite every 3 hours like they want, but getting closer!) and is taking increasingly larger quantities. For the last few days now he has looked much more comfortable while feeding and isn't showing signs of pain which we think means the acid reflux meds are finally working well. Hopefully before we leave the hospital he'll be down to one of those, but one step at a time!

It is such a relief to see him actually look content while he eats and to know that he's finally starting to get closer to consuming the amount of calories he needs! Thank you so much for your prayers- God has been so good through this whole process. We know that He is control, even in situations that may be difficult, and it has been amazing to see Him provide encouragement for us just when we needed it. On Tuesday I told Gary when he got to the hospital after work that I didn't think I could do another day like that. It was just so hectic with nonstop hospital staff coming to see me for a million different reasons and with phone calls to set up things like home health care, etc. And that was all on top of the fact that he was seeming to be in pain and eating terribly with no signs of improvement- not to mention me being exhausted in so many ways. Then yesterday was just a totally different day- things were a lot calmer with visitors coming to do "business" and he started to show an interest in eating again. And as little sleep as I've gotten, I felt so refreshed in knowing that things were starting to change for the better.

Knowing from the beginning that this would be a tough journey, I feel like we have tried to take very little for granted, but after the last few weeks I am SO happy to see him eating well and improving almost hourly. No exact word on when he will go home- he's still got to prove himself for a little bit longer with his quantities and his weight gain, but we're hoping it will be very soon and that it will be without an NG tube (feeding tube)!


  1. NBA Jam title... for all of you young-ins reading this! Go Landon! Dad loves you!

  2. PTL things are looking better. PTL He has given you strength to make it day. I remember when Sheri was colic ( by no means a comparison to Landon) and I would be so exhausted thinking Lord I can't do this, she would sleep for a few hours. I would get enough rest to go through the next day and knew God had heard my prayer. God is faithful.
    Continue to pray for all of you.


December 2012