(whoops, wrote this post earlier and forgot to post)
Today has been a pretty good day for everyone! I (Allison) had a long night last night since we didn't get home until about midnight and I'm still trying to pump every few hours. I called overnight to the nicu to see how he was doing and they said he had eaten about 3 oz! They was the most he had eaten by far so that was great to hear. They lowered the oxygen overnight and took him off of it at 6am to see how he'd do. His sats did good today, not in the 80s as they had been earlier in the week, but in the mid 70s or so which our ped cardio said it was good enough to let him go home. They wanted to keep him through today to make sure he'd continue to do ok without the oxygen but we should get to take him home tomorrow! Even if he does need any oxygen today, they would just send us home with a tank.
We are going to room in tonight, where they'll let us stay in a hospital room with him where he's not in the nicu or on any monitors. That way we can take care of him just the 2 of us but have access to a nurse if we need one. We're excited to finally stay with him overnight and in a little more of a normal setting with no monitors and such. It's pretty difficult to change his diaper when he has wires everywhere that we're trying not to pull off (not to mention the healing umbilical cord stump and circumcision)
So that's the plan! He's taking to breastfeeding little by little so hopefully over the next few days we'll have to supplement with formula less and less. Thanks so much for your prayers and encouragement! We are so excited at the thought that we'll be able to bring him home without surgery (for now)!
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