Monday, September 26, 2011

Update #1: Things looking good so far

Hi all! It has been a wild ride so far, but things are looking good so far. The pediatric cardiologist gave us some positive news this morning. The pulmonary valve that needed to be at least 4-5 mm in width (was only 3-3.5 mm a month out and they weren't sure it was going to grow) was 6mm! 6mm is the normal size. Praise God for this small miracle! They are feeling good that he won't need the first surgery now. He is breathing on his own, though he has many instruments and tubes hooked up to him to monitor him. His SATs are in the normal range fairly consistently, which is fantastic because that means he is adequately oxygenating his blood throughout his body.

Mom is doing well and recovering beautifully. Please pray that baby Landon eats well over the next few days. There is potential for him to be discharged on Wednesday, but we are keeping our hopes tempered on that. An amazing ride so far, but THANK YOU to everyone who has prayed for him.

By the way, the pictures don't do him justice (while those are still cute). He is much cuter in person! I am still waiting to hold him for the first time. Allison has been holding him a lot today as they begin to get him to breastfeed. She is loving just holding the little cutie. That is it for now. More to come as we find out, but Wednesday could be a very pivotal day. Please continue to pray for him, but please also offer thanks for the prayers answered thus far.

Papa Gary


  1. Al & Gary -

    We are so thrilled for you and Landon! We are praying like crazy for him. Gary, I was so overwhelmed by your post about not being afraid to ask for a miracle. Your faith through tremendous unknowns is such a witness your hearts for the Lord. We will absolutely stand with you and believe God will continue to work a miracle in Landon's life.

    Can't wait to meet him! Keep the updates coming!

    ~Annie & Greg =)

  2. Oh, gosh, he is a cutie patootie! I can't hardly wait to meet him in person. Am asking God for continued miracles! You all, especially Landon, look GREAT! I was so excited when I saw pictures of him all PINK!!! I said to myself..."now THAT's a kid who is oxygenating! :-) Love you guys! ~ Lou


December 2012