Saturday, January 28, 2012

Moved out of CICU

Sorry for the lack of updates today!

It was been a good day for Landon! His eating yesterday was kind of off and on, but today he has picked up a lot more and is almost to where he was before surgery. He still has times of fussiness which may be a pain thing, so there are still a few different meds they will give him for pain, but he also has period of activity and happiness. We even saw a few smiles today, especially for Papa and Mimi, my (Allison's) parents!

His blood count was low today so he got some red blood cells and his heart rate is still pretty low, but they did another EKG and I think it came back ok but I haven't heard for sure yet. He got one of his IVs out today and hopefully will get the other one, a "central line" out tomorrow. At that point he will just be on the monitors and oxygen. There was a lot of chaos with some other kiddos in CICU today so it delayed us getting out of there but we made it to the floor (CPCU) at about 5pm. We get a room up here with a door we can close and we can turn off the lights and stuff which is really nice. In CICU we were lucky enough to have a private room, but it still has a glass door/wall out to the unit so you can only get it so dark even though the door blocks out most of the sound.

He had some fun playing with his toys today (we brought a lot because we wanted him to have some fun things to distract him from all the un-fun things!) We brought his mobile from home too and set it up on his crib which he has been enjoying tonight.

We've heard that it's possible we could go home Monday (!!!) but more likely Tuesday if things go well over the weekend. We had been told originally that he would be here 7-10 days after surgery but when we got up here for pre-op we heard 5-7 days so that's what we are hoping for for!


December 2012