Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Catheterization moved up

Landon's sats (blood oxygen saturations) have taken a little bit of a dip this week so we went it to the cardiologist yesterday for an echo. His sats were a little better but the echo showed some narrowing in the shunt that they put in during the first surgery. This narrowing restricts some of the blood flow to the shunt and his lungs which has caused his sats to go down.

They recommended getting the cath done this week if possible and denver children's was able to schedule him for Friday at 8am. We have to check in at the hospital at 6am so we'll stay up in denver tonight so we can be close by. He will probably be in the hospital overnight on Friday and then we should be home on Saturday. If you want to find out more about what a catheterization is, you can do so here. We'll post a few updates over the next few days so stay tuned for details.

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December 2012