Landon is still sleeping quite a bit - he will occassionally wake up and say a few words or be upset for a few minutes but he has mostly been sleeping since we got back here several hours ago. He is still on some strong drugs for pain relief and to help relax him and those will be slowly weaned overnight as he allows.
He spit out his airway support just a few minutes after my last post (which was fine) and he's been doing good without it. He's been drinking some water and a few sips of juice but we're not ready to move on from that quite yet. We will be trying to walk the fine line of getting him to not be so "drug sleepy" and still keeping him in as little pain as possible.
He's done great today but we certainly hate seeing him uncomortable or in pain. I try not to dwell on the pokes and prods he's endured but he has a lot of bruises and scabs now from IVs (and many attemps), chest tubes, central line, etc. and even as some of them fade it is little reminders of the champ he has been. It will be such a blessing once we can hug him and pick him up without having to worry about IVs or his chest tube.
Please pray that as he becomes more awake he will be comfortable.
Praying for Landon now. Grandpa