Thursday, December 5, 2013

Good Followup Appt

Landon was upset quite a bit yesterday and it had us concerned that it might be a sign that fluid was accumulating again but when we took his oxygen saturations last night they were normal so we weren't sure what news we would get at Landon's followup appointment today.

His appointment was with his primary cardiologist here in the Springs.  It was a rough morning with him because we were rushing to try to get out the door on time (not to mention the fact that it was below zero outside when we left the house).  He also had xrays, bloodwork and an echocardiagram in addition to all the waiting time so it was a rough few hours for  our poor little guy.  We got a good report though - his xrays are about the same as when he was discharged which isn't what we had hoped for but at least it's not any worse.  His labs and echo looked good so we are happy with that news.  We didn't make any changes to his meds, low fat diet or oxygen based on the visit today.  We'll go back for another followup in a week.  Hopefully xrays will show some improvement by then and we can start to wean some medication or oxygen or go back to a normal diet. 

We are so grateful to be home and today Landon seemed to be in a little bit better mood than yesterday once we got home.  His cardiologist said it would probably take a few weeks before he gets back to his normal self in terms of feeling safe again and not being so anxious about constantly being poked and prodded.  We're hoping he will feel more emotionally secure a little bit each day and are very happy with the progress he has already made. 

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December 2012