He has another cardiologist appointment today (the last one was a month ago) and his 6 month checkup with the pediatrician tomorrow. (We got a month behind since his 4 month appt should have been right when surgery was happening). We are hoping that the cardiologist (dr brames) will give us the ok to take him off oxygen completely and possibly lower his lasix dose to once a day instead of twice. We've been putting off refilling the oxygen tank because I am so hoping that I can call them and say "TAKE IT AWAY!" Just coming off the oxygen will be a huge relief to us. He wakes up every morning playing with the cord and gets himself tangled in it all the time. We can only keep it so far out of reach when it's attached to his face. It's definitely easier him being on it just at night rather than all the time, but when we have to put the tube in his night he hates it!
He has been doing so much lately! He is doing some sitting on his own for short periods of time and if you let him sit with the boppy pillow around him he'll sit much longer. He's well into solid foods now and seems to have a differenct reaction everytime we feed him. The first time he tried apples he ate them all but I gave them to him earlier this week and he gagged. He has most recently tried avacado (not much reaction either way), peas (mixed reactions) and pears (mixed reactions). He has really started rolling ALL over the place since he masterd rolling back to front this weekend. He can easily travel several feet in the matter of a few minutes!
It's so sweet to see him smile at Gary and I whenever we've been away (or even out of the room for just a few minutes). He's a very smiley boy and he's laughing all the time- he always cracks up when I give him eskimo kisses (rub our noses together) and when I squeeze his little tush (not really sure why on that one!). He really enjoys his "buddy" at daycare, oliver, who is almost 11 months now. Oliver is always happy to see Landon when we get there in the morning.
(by the way, Gary and I are doing fine too :-)
Gary's brothers and their families came out to visit us over Easter weekend. We had a great time and Landon got to meet some of his aunts and uncles and his cousin Abigail!
Landon's Easter Outfit
Playing with a football
After eating his first veggies (carrots, can you tell?)
Sitting up!
Playing in the excersaucer
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